Wednesday, February 13, 2008
By: Edge5foamy(PJ Horne)
Distributor: Hobby-Lobby, Intl
For: Beginners to advanced pilots
Flying weight : 88oz
Length: 53-1/2''
Wing span: 73-1/4''
Wing area: 848sq. in.
Wing Loading: 15 oz. per sq. ft.
Radio: Futaba 7C Tx, Hitec Electron 6 Rx, Four HS-322 Servos
Power system: Axi 2826/12 Outrunner Motor, Jeti Advanced 40A ESC, PolyQuest 3s 3700mah Li-Po
Kit Includes
*Landing Gear
*Instruction Manual
*Control Horns
Kit Requires
*Axi 2826/12 Outrunner
*Jeti 40A ESC
*Four HS-322 servos
*Hitec Electron 6
*One Y-harness
*Two 12'' Servo Extensions
*X-acto Knife
*5 minute Epoxy
*APC 13x8 prop
The package arrived double boxed, and very well packed. The manual is clear, easy to follow, and has plenty of pictures!
The build was pretty simple, and took about 2 evenings(or 1 day) to build.<---First off was to install the aileron servos!
Next was to epoxy in the spar joiner--->
After that I had to install the tail feathers!
There are two wooden dowls that go in the top front, and back of the canopy area. These are what the rubber bands strap to, to hold the wing on
The electronics
The electronics installation is very easy. The HS-322 fit perfectly in the servos slots. If you wish to add flaps, there are servo mounts already in the wing, for the flaps servos!
Before the electronics
And after!
I cut a whole in the side, and put the switch on the outside, instead on on the inside.
Its finished!!
This plane flys very good! It will slow down to a crawl, and float forever. Its not a park flyer though. only takes about 10 feet(if that) to take off, but it floats so much, it takes alot of room to land, but once you get used to landing it, you can grease it in every time! It does very nice, tight loops. It will do somewhat of a knife-edge, but its not real pretty. If you do a half loop you can fly it inverted, but you half to hold full down elevator, and it is not something I will do very low.
Is it for a beginner?
While it is easy to fly, and is considered a "trainer" plane, I would not suggest it for a first plane. It would be a good 2nd aileron plane. For a first plane I would suggest something made of EPP. Although if you have a buddy-cord, and an excperienced pilot to fly with you, then it would be a good first plane.
Inflight pictures...
Want to see more in-flight pictures? Go to my RCGroups Blog
>Here is my video of the 6ft Telemaster Electro!<
This is a great airplane! One of the best aerial video planes out there. Its good for nice relaxing sunday flying.
*Easy Build
*Great flying
*Takes abuse pretty well for a balsa plane
*Uses rubber bands to hold on the wing, I would rather have a bolt on wing
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